Come on out now #InternationalBlogDelurkingWeek

Hello hello dear friends. Happy new year! Hope 2025 keeps you happy, healthy, peaceful and ever more creative.

This week is celebrated as Blog Delurking Week  — a time when we call upon our quiet, behind-the-scenes readers to step into the spotlight. If you’ve been silently scrolling, nodding along, or smiling at my posts, this is your chance to say hello!

Blogs, specially parenting blogs, thrive on connection. I rarely give out parenting advice because every journey is unique. However, when I share my stories here and I get a ‘it happened to me too’ from you it is a reminder that we’re all navigating this crazy ride together. And I don’t just mean the parenting ride, it’s the wild ride that life is taking us on.

Somehow, that brings perspective and makes tough times bearable. 

I have been fortunate to have had your company through the years. When I wrote about H and N starting college, I got an ‘O My God how grown up they’ve become’ from many of you. Friends, who I had never met physcially, yet our bonds run deep and strong.

Okay okay, let me not get all sentimental. Today is a fun day. 

So, how do you delurk? Simple! Drop a comment below. Say hi, and tell me something about yourself, something I might not know. Or answer one or any of the fun questions that I’m answering too. Answer them all and you have my undying love till the end of time.

Here goes:

What made you smile today?
N trying to parent me before she left for college (‘Don’t forget to take Benadryl and steam’).

What’s your favourite childhood memory?
Playing board games (Chinese Chequers, Carom Board, Scrabble) and card games (Teen Do Paanch, Court Piece, Black Queen, Bluff) and the epic fights over who won and who cheated!

A random interesting fact you found out recently.
That children born between 2025 to 2039 will be termed Generation Beta. What even!

Recommend the last book, movie, or TV show you absolutely loved.
A Film: To Walk Invisible on Prime Video on the lives of the Bronte Sisters
A Book: By Any Other Name by Jodi Piccoult. Can’t recommend it enough.

What’s a random fun fact about you that no one would guess?
That I’m basically a laid back person.
That leading by example has been the toughest task for me as a mom and that I’ve had to push myself every bit of the way (along with my mom’s voice in me head) to be ‘proper’ only so I could inculcate good habits in the children.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
Lead by example!

What’s a quirky habit you have that makes you unique?
That when I’m in a lift going up or coming down I count numbers to while away the time (30 counts from the parking to my floor).

What’s one thing you’re looking forward to this year?

What’s a guilty pleasure you’re not guilty about at all?

Your current earworm
Ever since N made me sit and watch this video from Bruno Mars I can’t get it out of my head and now I seem to hear it everywhere. (N’s comment on Bruno mars: Bro comes, drops a banger of a track and disappears). 

Your turn now. Let us get to know each other better.

Ready? Take a deep breath and type away. You’ve got this. ❤️

Happy Delurking!

10 Replies to “Come on out now #InternationalBlogDelurkingWeek”

    1. Å crazy busy life is simply not sustainable. I am glad you took the decision to step back and go a little slow. Life seems so much more worth living when one learns to enjoy the slow, quiet uneventfullness of it.

  1. This was a fun read, Tulika.
    I want to answer all the questions but that’s best if I do it in my blog. So, let’s see, a random fun fact about you that no one would guess – I’m not exactly an introvert as people think. I love to talk. I can talk your ears and head and everything else off. Ask my husband, He is in an almost headless state. 😀
    Vinitha recently put up this amazing post…Fiction Monday – 233My Profile

  2. Hi Tulika
    I’m a grandmom, but I find your columns so interesting.
    I’m very happy that these days dads take equal responsibility for parenting. That’s great progress.
    My favourite childhood memory? Visiting the library with my dad. That has given me a lifelong love for reading. I think visiting a physical library is so important for kids these days. There- that’s my grandma advice!

    1. Welcome to the blog Padmini. I agree, dads taking an active parenting role is great progress.
      I agree physical libraries are wonderful places. Kids can learn so much just by being there.

  3. So fun. And this track of Bruno is a fav this side too. Made a reel too with my team.
    Well, I watched a show that I absolutely loved. And I think you will too. Anne with an E. It’s based on the Ann of green gables and the story, depiction and everything about the show is just brilliant. Please watch it and let me know how you found it.
    Love and hugs, Tulika!
    Parul Thakur recently put up this amazing post…International Blog Delurking Week – 2025My Profile

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