Hello hello dear friend we meet again. It’s been a while and there’s much to catch up. Not that anything earth shattering has happened since the new year but when friends sit down to talk there’s never really a shortage of things to talk about, is there?
Continue reading “If we were having coffee – 13”Ten reasons it’s good to have a teen or two
Teens, I feel, are a much-maligned tribe, unfairly so. Of course they test your patience, empty the fridge, never empty the dust-bin, mess up the home and your schedule too. Teens mean smelly socks, empty juice cartons, shut doors, noise and drama, lots of drama….
Continue reading “Ten reasons it’s good to have a teen or two”Sunday, Republic Day
Sunday morning. I woke up without an alarm and even though it was just half an hour later than usual I felt a sense of relaxation. No hurry to begin the day. No need to get through my glass of warm water and roll out my yoga mat. No ‘what should I make for breakfast’ thoughts. Nothing!
Continue reading “Sunday, Republic Day”Come on out now #InternationalBlogDelurkingWeek
Hello hello dear friends. Happy new year! Hope 2025 keeps you happy, healthy, peaceful and ever more creative.
This week is celebrated as Blog Delurking Week — a time when we call upon our quiet, behind-the-scenes readers to step into the spotlight. If you’ve been silently scrolling, nodding along, or smiling at my posts, this is your chance to say hello!
Continue reading “Come on out now #InternationalBlogDelurkingWeek”Family and fitness, blog and books in 2025
It’s December—my favourite month of the year. But December also brings that unavoidable task: setting goals for the year ahead. The ones you need to set but don’t necessarily want to commit to. By the time you cross your forties, your mum’s voice mingles insidiously with your conscience into a persistent, nagging force that pushes you toward ‘doing the right thing.’
Continue reading “Family and fitness, blog and books in 2025”