The things I’ve seen this morning

A woman hanging from a rope, another one draped on a stand with
her head hanging back. A man with his legs strung across his shoulders, another
one with his hands and feet hopelessly entangled while a third one sits calmly
Those are the
things I’ve seen this morning
 at yoga class.
It’s ages since I did a 55er. I thought I’d try one for this
I won’t stop there though, because I have to tell you about my new
experiment with yoga. Let me begin by saying that I took it up once before for
about two years and found is quite magical. The twins weren’t yet two and I was
on the verge of going completely crazy. Yoga then wasn’t about weightloss. I
looked upon it as the only me time I was likely to have through the day. It turned
out to be way more than that. I always came away with a sense of peace and
well-being from the sessions. It helped that the instructor was coming home and
I had the kids close by.
With the twins entering their tweens, the ‘going crazy’ feeling is
closing up on me again and I thought I could do with some peace of mind along
with my exercise. Also, with my knees getting worse I knew my days with Zumba
were numbered. Yoga it had to be.
However, it has just not been the same.
To begin with the class starts right at the time that twin’s bus
arrives so I’m not there to wave them goodbye and that doesn’t make me too
happy. Yeah they’re almost ten but N makes this huge show of not wanting me to
go while hardly bothering with me when I’m there. Kids, I tell you! They’re
champions at starting off guilt trips. 
Besides, there are too many people at the class. When we had the
instructor coming home we were just three friends and had undivided attention.
My spondilitis has only made it worse. I cannot do many of the asans and that bugs me no
end, specially when it’s something I could do earlier or when I see people
around me doing it with relative ease.
It doesn’t help to have Zumba songs playing in my head during
meditation. I feel like I’m being unfaithful (To Zumba or Yoga, I haven’t quite
figured out). Sigh! 
Maybe another time, another class, another instructor. For now
it’s back to the walks and the Zumba.
So what’s your most/least favourite exercise?
Linking up to Finish the Sentence Friday. Thanks to Leanne for
the wonderful prompt  ‘The things I’ve seen this
morning…’ . 
and as always, warm thanks also to Kristi from Finding Ninee our
regular host. Do drop by to check out the other entries.

23 Replies to “The things I’ve seen this morning”

  1. I love Yoga and I love to walk in good weather. When I was very young, I started Yoga but had a lot of gap and till date I can't do many asanas but that as never bothered me. Each of our bodies are different and we need to give them time 🙂
    Now when I practice Yoga, it's for my back and Yoga helps me keep it in shape. 🙂

  2. Things are too much now and I've finally started with yoga these days. let's see how many days it lasts. I never thought it before, but losing weight is so damn difficult and these odd cravings, they eat me so much!

    My me time, I think is when I write or exercise I guess 🙂


  3. That was a brilliant 55-er. I did not see it as an attempt of micro-fiction till you mentioned it.
    I am happy with every form of exercise but yoga. Have never had a good instructor so could never fall in love with it.

    1. I love walks too. Pune is a great place to walk with decent weather most evenings all through the year. And if you have your favourite music to walk along, it's the perfect exercise.

    1. Thanks Raj. I'm sure you'll go the antigravity way soon enough if the way you're progressing with yoga is any indication. Burpees, lunges – I'll add squats to the list – dreaded and hated.

    1. Yes I thought so too Sunila. I know you're a big fan of yoga. Closer home I've seen my mum benefiting hugely from it – both on the physical and mental fronts. Maybe I'll give it another shot another time.

  4. I need to get myself into yoga — more for my mental health than anything else. I love pilates and anything to do with weights. Not a fan of cardio but I do it anyway.

    1. That was why I wanted to try yoga for the mental benefits it offers. Maybe another time. Ooh I like cardio and some weights too.

  5. That's a fab 55er!! Didnt see that coming!!
    Pls do Walks, Zumba and Yoga on my behalf too… I have time for everything but anything physical for my body! 🙁

    1. Thanks Shilpa, coming from you that feels even better. Lol! I wish it were possible to get someone to exercise for me too.

    1. Meditation is the hardest of all. I think one would need to be in a certain mindset to be able to practice it. Maybe one day I will too.

    1. I love surya-namaskars – the only part of yoga that I really understand but I enjoy aerobics too – after Zumba, that is.

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