F is for all that’s ‘Familiar’

About a year back we invested in a new house. We were super excited because it was twice as large as our current one, was situated right behind the kids’ school and to their complete delight it came with a personal plunge pool in the balcony. Quite a dreamhouse! It is now ready for possession but none of us want to go. Once in a while the kids remember the pool and ask ‘When are we moving?’ but then they happily go back to their friends and forget about it.

Whoever said familiarity breeds contempt pretty much misunderstood the concept. To me, as I believe to a lot of us, familiarity spells comfort and friendship and security.

Though not a true blue extrovert, I have made some good friends. Friends who call me up if they don’t see me around for a few days, who keep my letters safe if I’m not around to receive them, who help me out with every imaginable thing from sharing parenting troubles to accompanying me on coffee dates when I need a breather. (Muah to all you guys)!

I like the smiles I exchange with familiar faces in the elevator every day even though all of them are not my friends.

I like it when the usually surly building guard strikes up a conversation.

I like knowing that four rounds of my apartment building make a kilometre when I take my evening walk  (yeah I’m stuck up like that!).

I like being welcomed by the coolest freshest breeze as soon as I enter our building compound.

I like keeping count of the huge yellow Hibiscus that bloom with great regularity in the garden, even though it isn’t my personal garden.

Most of all I love the street outside my apartment building. Crammed in about half a kilometer are vegetable vendors, a fishmonger, a stationery shop, general merchants, fruit sellers, a cobbler, snack shops, medical stores, a scooter repair shop and even a library. Oh I almost forgot to add.. an auto stand and a bus stop, two tiny temples, a mosque and some small time tailors (who handle fancy dress costumes for the kids and all of my alteration work as I put on and shed weight routinely!!)

And yet it’s not too crowded since we’re almost at a dead end.

Can it get any better? (Umm… still wondering if I missed out anything!)

I like it when I’m greeted by a smile at each of these shops. I enjoy the bits of conversation I exchange. If I miss going to the guava guy, I know he’ll come looking for me to my flat with the right mix of raw and ripe ones just the way we like them (raw ones for The Husband, ripe ones for me).

Apologise for the poor picture quality.. it was clicked in a hurry.
You can see the library flanked by the snack store

Tell me why I should want to move?

And contrary to that saying, familiarity makes my day, everyday!

For more fantastic entries go to  ABC Wednesday

Also linking to Marathon Bloggers ‘A story for every picture, a picture for every story’ 
for the prompt ‘Street’

43 Replies to “F is for all that’s ‘Familiar’”

  1. Your neighborhood is just like ours!! Though we have move around a lot of states and cities and homes, and I really looked forward to our transfer to a new place, but now I am kind of a bit wary of moving any more again! Yes, familiarity is comforting!

    1. Now that you mention I realise I've always been wary of moving. And then we move and I settle down and yet again don;t want to move!!

  2. You are asking me??? We recently moved out to our place and we still miss the familiarity of all the things that u r talking about. What made us move? The rent we paid 🙁

  3. I know a "Friends Library" on NIBM road. This one looks almost like it. Are you anywhere near that area??
    My home in Pune is something similar to what you wrote about. Coming here, I know how it feels to leave behind friendly faces and shops/vendors
    But I know the kids will enjoy the new place. They always do 🙂

    1. Mine is on Salunke Vihar Road.. sounds familiar? oh yes I know the kids will have fun no matter where they are. I am the one who is actually scared to move.

    2. hey!! thats right! The library is on Salunke Vihar road!
      And you are right! It is a prime location….possibly EVERYTHING is within walking distance !
      I know how difficult it will be to leave it 🙁

  4. I know what you mean. I've lived in the same house for 30 years and I like the familiarity but my old neighborhood prior to moving here was familiar too and I lived there for 5 years. I'm glad I took the plunge. I hope whatever you do is right for you and yours. Carver, ABCW Team

  5. What a dilemma! Familiarity is comforting, but change can be exciting too, and it is built in to our lives, whether we like it or not. Take the plunge! The new neighbourhood will soon be 'familiar' and beloved.

  6. This is pretty true.. in fact I was musing about a similar situation recently.. Only instead of places, it was people.. we get familiar with people and gradually grow comfortable around them. 🙂

  7. Tulika, your locality sounds lovely and reminds me of my home in Mumbai. We all want to go there where someone knows our name 🙂 Familiarity is soothing, reassuring and loving, like you have described in your lovely post. Great read

  8. I don't like changing houses either. I'm comfortable here. my surroundings are familiar to me. Those 4 rounds around the complex help me everyday even in bad weather!

    And your neighbourhood does seem lovely!

  9. Oh God, why did you have to write this post? I will be in the same boat in under a year 🙁 And the thought of moving out of the comfortable confines of my current residence is giving me the depression blues.

    What a lovely place you seem to live in. And a lot of the things you mention seem to be similar to the place where I live. We are more kindred in spirit than I could have imagined 🙂

  10. Sometimes it really is difficult to leave the comfort of the Familiar.
    Once in your new home you will find the special things that make it "home" for you.
    Well written post. I enjoyed reading it.

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