
I started creating you right when I was a baby
and you’ve stayed with me always unless when I’m asleep, maybe.
You come in all flavours.. Sweet, sour, bitter
Some of you are fleeting, while some of you are bigger.

Dear memories you do love to play hide and seek.

Sometimes I need to dig you out and sometimes you refuse to leave.
That time when the teacher questioned me, and again in the exam hall
When I looked for you desperately where were you all?
Then I had my heart broken and I wanted you all gone
but you didn’t move an inch, you stubbornly stayed on!
Ah memories!

Then I saw my grandma when Alzheimer’s struck.

I watched her forget …
the children she’d nurtured, the home she’d made.
Like a baby, yet not one, she forgot to eat and to dress.
One minute she’d hug you, next she’d look through
and then she’d ask.. Little girl, who are you?

I watched my Dad’s heartbreak and my mum’s helplessness
as they fed her and bathed her and took her for a walk.
Sometimes they’d simply sit and listen to her talk.

I watched as she fought to get a grasp of you
but you remained elusive.
You’d come in flashes and then disappear

Just in reach yet just not there.
Now I know you are priceless
Good, bad, ugly, beautiful, sad, happy
every bit of you is to be cherished 
for every bit of you 
has a bit of me.
Note: I started this off as a fun thing because I had no clue what to write for today’s prompt, Memory. And then as I went on I remembered my grandmother who suffered from Alzheimer’s. She was the sweetest, most uncomplicated, most affectionate lady ever. And I realised how precious memories were, all of them, and how lost we’d be without them.. even the bad ones.
Thank you Write Tribe.. And yes I’m in.

For some great takes on ‘Memory’, go here. And if you’ don’t know what I’m talking about and are looking for more details on this amazing Festival of Words go here.

25 Replies to “Memories”

  1. Resonated with me a lot OM!! Not sure if my granma had AD, but all the symptoms were there..
    Loved the way you've written..

  2. Just reminded me of my grandmother too. She suffered from dementia in her final years.

    Your words struck a chord. Lovely post.

  3. Lady, you write very very well. This was such a beautifully penned post explaining how Alzheimer's affects everyone in the family. It's really sad. Good start to the festival. Looking forward to the forthcoming posts. 🙂

  4. Memories are priceless. My aunt suffers from Alzheimer's and it's so sad and so difficult for those around her. Thanks for sharing such sweet memories of your grandmother.

  5. "And I realised how precious memories were, all of them, and how lost we'd be without them.. even the bad ones." …. Especially the bad ones. Very poignant. Such a roller coaster of emotions this was. Well done. 🙂

  6. oh! That was sad and beautiful…
    I remembered my favorite granpa's struggle with cancer…
    Hugs Obsessivemom!
    Alzheimer's is such a scary and heart-wrenching disease.

    beautiful post

  7. I went there too because my grandma also suffered. Memories are so important. It is the ultimate record of a life lived. ♥

  8. I have never used the word 'soulful' in my life before. But this piece here is exactly that. From merry thoughts about days of gay abandon to those of 'second childhood', and your grandmother's illness – a beautifully created poem charming by it's simplicity of craft and complexity of emotions. I love the fact that you did not try half-baked structural experiments that poets thesedays are prone to. Encouraging to see some of us are still writing real poetry. My first time on your blog, and God I am glad. 🙂

  9. Shilpa: Yes t's truly hard for the caregivers.. Harder in fact.
    Nischala: thank you.
    Corinne: Then you know what I'm talking about. It's difficult to see someone you love go through it.

  10. This touched me very deeply, OM. I have watched a cousin's family suffer from their Dad having Alzheimer's and realize how difficult it can be for loved ones.
    Yes, memories are treasures that we must guard. Who knows when that's all that will be left?

  11. That post took me through a whirlwind of emotions. Beautifully penned, and dealing with AD can be so painful for those who are around the person. Touching

  12. Indeed. When it started off, I was smiling. And slowly the smile turned into a thoughtful frown. I loved the post. The frown was merely because of this "uncouth" illness. It's a real killer. But I really loved your post 🙂

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