Teens, I feel, are a much-maligned tribe, unfairly so. Of course they test your patience, empty the fridge, never empty the dust-bin, mess up the home and your schedule too. Teens mean smelly socks, empty juice cartons, shut doors, noise and drama, lots of drama….
Continue reading “Ten reasons it’s good to have a teen or two”Words that hurt: Five things moms of older kids shouldn’t say to moms of younger kids
Let me begin with a cliche – each child, each parent and each parenting journey is unique. No parent truly knows what another one is going through.
Continue reading “Words that hurt: Five things moms of older kids shouldn’t say to moms of younger kids”Here’s what made me smile this month
This was going to be a heart-baring angsty post. I was halfway through when during a pause, I heard H and N in deep discussion.
Continue reading “Here’s what made me smile this month”Embracing Imperfection: Letting go of parenting guilt a step at a time
I finish lunch and head to the kitchen only to find that H has left his plate and bowl unwashed in the sink. Again.
Continue reading “Embracing Imperfection: Letting go of parenting guilt a step at a time”Mornings like these
I wake up to the clang of a plate falling and being hurriedly retrieved. It’s H, I know.
‘Clumsy as ever,’ I murmur to myself as I mentally shake my head and turn over with a sigh. Part of me wonders vaguely if I should get up and check the damage but then sleep claims me.
Continue reading “Mornings like these”