You know your kids have hit the tweens when..

1. You whip out phone to click a picture and you see your own eager-beaver face because it’s always turned onto selfie mode.

2. Music suddenly becomes a big deal – a very loud deal. Everything from tukur tukur to What makes you beautiful is sung all the while.

3. Your house smells gorgeous because the kids have just had a deo war  – the ‘if you spray mine I’ll spray yours’ kind of war. (Aunts please to take note: This is what happens when you gift things despite me expressly forbidding it).

4. Your daughter walks out wearing a most winsome smile till you see she’s also wearing your favourite stole. Apparently ‘Jo tera hai woh mera hai‘.

5. The demands for studs and stilettos begins to raise their ugly head.

6. Your son roams around with wet hair all day as he tries to style them into spikes and you have the unenviable task of telling him they will flop down back once they dry up and No he isn’t allowed gel for many many years yet.

7. On a similar note you also add – no makeup kits, no heels, no phones and no pocket money just yet either.

8. You resign yourself to the dangers of walking out in mismatching earrings or wearing a shrug inside out rather than wade through two kids to get to the mirror for a peek at yourself.

9. The ‘dude’ and the OMGs in the conversation go up exponentially.

10. The conversation sounds more and more like some kind of indecipherable code from a James Bond movie. ‘Meet me at the SS’, she says to her friend (That’s ‘Skating Spot’ in case you wondered).

18 Replies to “You know your kids have hit the tweens when..”

    1. Guess it happens to most of us unless you're a perfect kid like I was.. hah just kidding. My mom tore out as many of her hair as any other ;-).

  1. haha.. this is the beginning.. Another thing I noticed is complete silence when you walk into the room. Suddenly, there will be only smiles or some inane activity. Very secretive.

    1. …and very scary. The things are up to these days are way more strange than when they were toddlers. And they're getting better at keeping secrets. My bad!

  2. Dude, check. Stolen stole, check. Asking for phone- no, thankfully. Act smarter than mom- triple check 😛

    Yes, since our kids are the same age we are in for the same treat 😉 Let's have fun while we're at it.

  3. Hahaha… Welcome to the club!! We went shoe shopping last month, A told me he wants Vans Shoes and I was like what's that. He coolly tells me that it's a new brand for youngsters!! I have a tough time deciphering the slangs… have to ask for explanations. Deos are a big thing with A too. Though he is not allowed to use that at school, but at home, he would be trying KG and even my sprays!!

  4. hahaha These teens are another species I tell you. Dude Rachna to Basanti Rachna, I am hearing it all these days. Just had a great time bowling with the boys after rounding up my work. Enjoyed quite a bit. Hail summer vacations. 🙂 Oh yeah and you should see how many books were delivered home from the library today. That part is bliss.

  5. Oh no….this is what awaits me….I better be prepared for the discussions (read fights) about heels and make up…I detest both…also do conversations turn into monologues (only from my end of course) when tween age years arrive….I will be most upset about that…all the best tulika…I love this heads up post

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