Santa still exists

Another Christmas went by with the kids’ belief in Santa intact. I have a feeling, however, this one’s going to be the last. Of late H is playing a lot with older boys and a few days before Christmas he came home saying someone told him there’s no Santa.

“My friend said mamas and papas buy the gifts and tell us they’re from Santa,” said he.
“Well your friend must’ve been naughty and Santa wouldn’t have got him a gift so his papa and mama would have had to get him one. But if you’re really good Santa will come,” said I.

Surprise surprise H bought the argument. Hah!

He made a card for Santa and placed it under the tree. Then he got a brand new pack of his favourite biscuits and put them with the card.

So it was that after the kids were asleep, ‘Santa’ had to not only wrap their gifts and put them under the tree but also squirrel away the card, eat a biscuit oozing chocolate and leave a thank you note in the middle of the night. Yes well this Santa has her manners in place.

The things one has to do for one’s kids!

The spellings are all his and those hearts are N’s idea


That’s the inside of the card. I’m glad Jesus Christ gets a mention here.
Regrettably, he’s overshadowed by Santa

And next morning their faces were my reward, if I wanted one. N was a tad regretful. “I’ll also keep biscuits next year”, said she. H, needless to say was thrilled to bits. He called up the entire family to tell the tale of how Santa ate his biscuit and wrote ‘Thank You, H’ on a tissue paper. “You see he was in a hurry”, he explained.

During the day the sis-in-law came by and snuck in some more gifts under the tree. She then asked with a straight face, “What’s that shiny stuff under your tree N?” At which the kids raced there yelling, “Santa came home twice”. “But when did he come we were here all the time”, marvelled an incredulous N. “I can’t believe he came in the day. He’s not supposed to come in the day”, added H, ever the logical one.

He gave up trying to unravel the mystery after a while and finally declared, “This is the happiest day of my life” .