Thank you for not walking in my shoes

Come walk a mile in my shoes, see what I see, feel what I feel, live what I live, share with me my worries and my fears. Isn’t that what makes us human? The ability to be someone else for just a little while?

But then not everyone does that. Not everyone should do that. We need these people in our lives, the ones who refuse to walk in our shoes. Oh they may annoy us and frustrate us and make us really angry but we need them. I know I do. This post today is a Thank You to all my friends who refuse to walk in my shoes.

Thank you dear friend for not walking in my shoes; for making light of my worries when I am down and out. You make me see that life could have been worse.

Thank you for laughing at me when I am afraid. It is the sunshine of that laughter that melts away the mist of my fear.

Thank you for not being ‘understanding’ and leaving me alone even when I beg you to, because you know your presence is what I need though I may not admit it, even to myself.

Thank you for not holding my hand, for not walking with me into that pit of self-pity, the one I dig for myself, for pulling me out with a no-nonsense tug.

Thank you for keeping your head when I am losing mine, for doing for me what you think best, because sometimes you know me better than me.

Thank you dear friend for thrusting at me a delightful pair of stilettos when all I would have were my worn old sneakers. At some point in our lives all we need is a different pair of shoes.


This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda for the prompt ‘Walk a Mile in my Shoes’.

58 Replies to “Thank you for not walking in my shoes”

  1. What a delight it is to read your post, Tulika! I so agree with what you say…these are lessons that come as an after thought, right? At the time, though, we might have our own reasons to feel distraught with situations and people.
    Those concluding lines are the exact reason why we need those people in our lives. We need them throughout our lives, through every stage and the highs and lows!
    Loved this post so much!!

  2. What I said back in 2017, when you first published this post, is precisely what I will say today, too. Tulika, I love how you express your feelings. Why did you have to write such a short post? I wish it was a bit longer. <3 (I think I am your number one fan, Tulika!) <3
    And, true, we need friends who refuse to walk in our shoes. It's because they hand us another pair that we discover so many beautiful facets of life.

  3. As always, very well said, Tulika. Yes, we all need those friends who would hold our hands, and lend their shoulders, but there are times we need some ‘tough love’ too.

  4. You know it’s a blessing in disguise when someone abandons for it helps you discover the inner self. It’s very easy to judge and someone not walking in your shoes wouldn’t know what you going through. A post that touches the heart.

  5. Congrats on the BlogAdda accolade! This is a cool, lighthearted post that we sometimes don’t need understanding just as we don’t need sympathy, because that just doesn’t motivate us to climb out of our rut!

  6. Walking in your shoes does not work for everyone. There are many who will disagree with you, offer their point of views and with that give and take is how we grow, right? Imagine how dull things would be if we all agreed. Haha! Lovely take on the prompt.

  7. Your pen have caught up your notions well and have given out different walks of ideas through your shoes to readers. Really superb post.

  8. this is a true and motivation post. its hard to see the right in dark words and cold shoulders from other but thats the only direct push someone can give us. it gives us the reason to b more strong

  9. What a lovely post, Tulika. Yes, we need people who do not agree with us. At first, we may not appreciate their attitude/thoughts but it’s for our good, for we learn to respect views that are different from ours and it also help us make better decisions.

  10. I have a friend who refuses to walk in my shoes. I banter him every day for being merciless and non-understanding. Yet in know in my heart what he says about my life in denial is true. This friend is my husband who has for long been pushing me to pursue my life not as a competition, but like a gift. I think I should start listening to him.

  11. Oh this is so beautiful and so true. We need people to see things from a different perspective at times and walking in our shoes is definitely not gonna help that. But when you start judging someone for what they did, then it might help to step into their shoes and look at their perspective as well. That’s what my poem was about earlier, much before this prompt was out.

  12. I was nodding my head all along… I too am thankful for all those ‘not understanding ‘ moments when I wasn’t left alone. Grateful to people who can shine some light in our life, no matter now annoying we may think they are at that point. What a beautiful and thoughtful post. Plus the Title is just as awesome.

    1. Glad you agree Raj. They do seem annoying when we’re in the midst of not wanting to feel good and someone is pulling us out – but it works for the best.

  13. ohh wow ! Exactly what I want these days .. …
    reminds me of my endless pestering to go for a work out on a weekend, that too early morning !!!

  14. I know what you mean. Some close friends also do that and it is a blessing in a way. Of course, not everyone should be that way, else life will get boring and way too real.

  15. Fantastic! We do need those kind of people to keep us from becoming wimps, Tulika. I’m glad that Jose uses his shoes to give me a gentle nudge in the derrière when I start feeling sorry for myself!

  16. Yes, sometimes I crave for heels after going around in sneakers for long. Likewise, in life also we need a person who contradicts our situations to take us forward. Beautiful take on the prompt.

  17. A fantastic take on the prompt. Loved it, Tulika. Next time you are in Delhi let’s meet up, with you wearing stilettos and me my hiking boots 🙂

  18. Very thoughtful, Tulika! I think it’s better to walk beside (your friends) than walk in their shoes. And sometimes, such people are helpful – to make us realize that we need to handle certain things alone, and we can do it.

  19. I love the way you express your thoughts, Tulika! I get mesmerised by your words and at times, like today, I wish your post would just go on and on! Today’s post felt like poetry!
    True, we all need a different pair of shoes every once in a while to change our perspective towards life and its journey and also to observe the way we walk and if we need to change our walk. It sure does a world of good to us!

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